Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

When we sent Rocky off on vacation to stay with you from Christmas to New Year’s, he was listless and uncommunicative.

Since his return he’s been a new boy! He’s browner and leaner. He must have dropped at least a full pound, almost 25% of his body weight! Maui sure agreed with Rocky! He is SO perky now!

We were a bit shocked when we saw his new tattoo, but, luckily, it washed off. Whew! SOOoooo inappropriate – a topless hula girl! Gosh!

In fact, we weren’t even SURE it WAS Rocky when he came home, he looked so different! Luckily, I’d put a unique identifying mark on his little bottom with a Sharpie – a small black “X”, and when I turned him over, there it was!

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Pet Rock Holidays of Maui! We’ll be sure to tell all our friends in the Pet Rock Society of Spread Eagle, Wisconsin.

Tara Dactyl

P.S. We LOVE the photos you sent! Mahowloh!

4 Replies to “ Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!”

  1. It’s a small world, Tara! Our little Rock of Gibraltar, or “Rocky”, but we call her RG, was at the Surf Shack last Christmas, too! How funny is that? Rocky and Rocky. And little RG has the same little black Sharpie “X” on her butt. But RG must have stayed inside the whole trip, because she came home pale, and had actually gained over a pound.

    We’re a bit concerned, because in the past 4 weeks she’s gained almost another pound, and seems to be swelling up. All RG does is mope around the house, pining for “Rocky” and Maui.

    Hey – do you think your Rocky is RG’s Rocky?

    OMG! Do you think? No…. not our little Pet Rock! She would NEVER! OMG! We’re going to the doctor. Right now! I’ll get back to you!

    Chris P. Bacon

  2. — Sigh —

    Chris, this is Dr. Jim, Owner and General Manager of Da Rockin’ Surf Shack Resort.

    Dude, RG is Sandstone. Keep her dry and the weight will evaporate. Literally.

    Secondly, Cliff “Rock Whisperer” Face tells me that he spoke with Rocky. She originally came from the Southern Rocky Mountains and is over 300 Million Years Old.

    I don’t think that what you think happened, happened!

    A third thing: Sometimes our younger guests will swap identities, as a joke, just like in a summer camp movie. ARE YOU SURE RG IS RG? I’m wondering if these two keiki swapped identities during their week at the Surf Shack? Here at Pet Rock Holidays we do our best to identify and unobtrusively label each and every rock upon arrival, but when they swap name tags and identities, how are we to know?

    Like President Ronald Regan said, “Trust, but verify.” It’s time for you and Tara to sit your pets down for a serious talk. If you haven’t seen The Parent Trap movie, you should.

    Dr. JIm

  3. What the hell? Did I stumble into the Twilight Zone, or do you people live in an asylum? You spent HOW much on your rock? And and and and… OMG!

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